"Quality is much better than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles." Steve Jobs
This theme is based on Material Design Android Lollipop style. Shadows and gradients gives the theme a light and colorful style. 334 app icons are available for customize your iPhone, iPod or iPad.
LightBoard contains custom app icons, badges, user interface icons and boot logos.
You could use lightBoard with IconBundles if you use Winterboard, but it's better to use Anemone. Compatible with all iDevices and iOS versions including iPhone, iPod and iPad (including iPad Pro) running iOS 7 to iOS 12.
Available on ZodTTD & MacCiti
For news, updates, requests or comments you can contact me through my twitter @Juanillo62GM.
If you want to request an icon, complete this form.
Version (1.6)
- Added round mask.
- Redesigned 10 icons.
- Added 6 BootLogos.
- Bug fixes and more redesigns.
- Added PhonePad and Passcode Theme.
- Compatible with iOS 10.
- Added 41 icons.
Version (1.5)
- Bug fixes.
- Added 26 icons.
Version (1.4)
- Added 6 badges.
- Added 20 icons.
Version (1.3)
- Added round corners mask.
- Added 50 icons.
Version (1.2)
- Redesigned 2 icons.
- Added 50 icons.
Version (1.1)
- Fixed dependency of Anemone, now you could use WinterBoard with IconBundles.
- Added 50 icons.
Version (1.0)
- Initial release.